Membership renewal date extended

Membership renewal date extended

Postby redwattles » Mon Dec 02, 2013 4:48 pm

The RWHA Board of Directors has voted to extend the membership renewal date to March 31, 2014. This gives anyone renewing their membership a free 3 months. In order to make this a permanent change the membership must vote since it changes the official RWHA By-Laws. Addressed and stamped ballots will be snail mailed out to our members with our next newsletter. No prior formal notice will be sent to the membership via snail mail, email, or phone calls. This notice was also placed on the RWHA face-book page. The Board of Directors is encouraging all members to please help with letting other members or potential members know about the change. The membership form on the RWHA website will be changed to reflect this temporary date until the membership makes their decision on whether it should be permanent. Anyone renewing or becoming a new member will receive the rest of 2013 free as usual and continuing thru 2014, or possibly thru to March 31, 2015 based on our membership votes. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact any board member. Contact information can be found in the forum section.
Posts: 75
Joined: Mon May 09, 2011 9:06 am

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